Founder & Chairman, Minor International

CEO Minor Hotel Group

Chief People Officer, MHG

Founder & Chairman, Minor International
General Manager
Core Competencies for General Managers
Cultivating Networks
Building Organisational Talent
Establishing Strategic Direction
Executing Strategic Direction
Customer Focus
Business Acumen
This is a GM executive enhancement program from Cornell University. These are engaging programs that ensure world best practices from both a theoretical and practice-based perspective. The courses are thought provoking and challenge business leaders to find applications. One strategic subject per GM per year is the minimum expected participation with a maximum of 2 programs per year. A GM may enroll in 1 course every 6 months. Although these are delivered online, courses are offered on a rigorous 2-week calendar block that participants must adhere to without fail.
New General Manager On-boarding
This is a program for new General Managers. This executive program has been designed to provide support for the General Manger during the first few months after starting their new role. This program supports the GM to understand the culture, expectations and their vital leadership role in the success of the organization and in making a difference for all stakeholders.
Skillsoft Competency Aligned Programs
This provides online learning solutions for each level of the organisation and answers the various competency expectations covering Interpersonal, Leadership, Business/management, and Personal attributes. Our Skillsoft library provides a wide selection of leadership and management skills courses, which may be completed 24/7.
Skillsoft Leadership Advantage
The Skillsoft Leadership Advantage (SLA) provides resources that can turn your high-potential team members into high performers and build leaders that will drive your team to new levels of success. It contains a collection of leadership learning tracks that leverage top business executives and industry minds in a variety of formats to meet your and your team’s needs.
Different from the general Skillsoft programs that you’re quite familiar with, SLA provides very focused leadership content and industry leader insights that are invaluable in your leadership learning and growth. In addition, it gives you even more flexibility in use and deployment. This has 42 high impact leadership resource sets all mapped to our competencies.