Founder & Chairman, Minor International

CEO Minor Hotel Group

Chief People Officer, MHG

Founder & Chairman, Minor International
Section Head
Core Competencies for Section Heads
Building Working Relationships
Customer Service
Problem Analysis and Decision Making
Quality Orientation
Mastering Trainer Skills (Group Facilitation)
Effective teams are geared towards action. There are always urgent problems and issues that need to be tackled and solved. But for groups to be really successful, leaders need to spend some time focusing on the skills that leaders use to make all of this action happen, both within and outside our organizations.
One of the most important set of skills for leaders and members is facilitation. Hence, this course will develop the "process" skills we use to guide and direct people in various situations such as in meetings, planning sessions, and training. Whether it's a meeting (big or small) or a training session, this course provides with " facilitator techniques to shape and guide the process of working together so that you meet your goals and accomplish what you've set out to do.
New Generation Program
Strategically developed and led by the Corporate Talent team to develop Directors of the future for Minor Hotels globally. This is a transition Learning Journey from DH to DI. Nominations are submitted by the hotel and approved by the MHG Senior Leadership Team.
TAE Job Skills Coach
Effective training and assessment of job competence is an essential skill to build a learning culture in our organization. This course addresses this by preparing you to function as a professional trainer or assessor in the workplace.
You will develop the skills necessary to create a meaningful learning environment, design learning processes and products, manage the learning process and develop skills in assessing other people’s learning progress. You will be able to deliver training in a specific area of subject matter expertise.
The content of this training are mapped to the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110) under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). To complete this course, you have to undertake 10 TAE unit of competencies and complete all required assessments, such as a professional workplace environment assessment, Session plans, assessment plans and actual delivery of your training to learners.